Archive for October, 2010

Amongst haloween

So everyone’s at Doyle’s wedding right now, and I got me a six pack for some solo pre gaming. Here’s some photo’s from last night’s pre gaming for Get Weird, a monthly night our good friend Devin Carroll runs. It’s the best night in town, and if you miss it you lose out on a really really awesome time, guaranteed. I’ll post some of the shots from the actual party in a couple of days time. It got wild to say some. Popple and Katy accommodated us for some drinks, and as always it was rad. If you ever meet this incredible couple, get a round of vodka’s in, kiss them and brace yourself – it’s guna be fun as hell. – Chaz –

Potoz Mr Rogers

Yeagle & Mark

Major tall Tom & Ryan Bowie

Pop pop & a hairy Japanese geisha

Sweet crowd

Bobby fucking Valentine! Say no more

Damn I wish you could see Mason properly. Dressed as a bumblebee. He made the costume himself too, incredible dog

Max Wood modeling the latest Segment shirt….

Tough times.

Half of yinz aint even from here

Pittsburgh living is the what’s up. I have met so many rad people and experienced more rad things in the past number of weeks than ever before. We’ve been roadtripping, partying hard, riding small bicycles a little, dancing our dicks off, eating awesome food, and much much more. These are a few photo’s my buddy Ryan Popple gave me. For those who don’t know, he was the driving force behind the incredible and now deceased Puke Party website. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you surely missed out on something special. These photo’s include some rad dudes and girls, and even Kelly Baker, on top of a car on fire, in the middle of deepest most rural Pa. Enjoy I hope. – Chaz –

Heathen's jam hang out

Kelly Baker...

Popple, Mark Polanski and I

Ginch bro's instigated car roll the following night

Cruising the town with Bobby V

Bryce Toole, the sweetest of dudes.

Pre gaming

break the ICE

Autumn well and truly here now. Time for skate parks and late nights.

Little Timmy getting sick.