Now then now then
Tuesday 21st of July 2009 by Lights in the Woods
Listen up
Nass coverage here goes.
This is liam on the relentless nass 2009 street course
Dirt course
Not so big or mega but still quite a spectacle ramp
Man on motor bike, well half on and half not quite so on
It was Locals first NASS and he read the rules
Boys from above
Beware of the fucking dog make there first apperence and caused a scene
people were into it
these were there
Poll and Bob
This was the first time i’d camped with local. I can offer you one tip if you find yourself sleeping anywhere near him, DON’T TURN THE LIGHT ON
scared. It’s something i won’t do again
Now then this is bmx street qualifying. lots of people wanted to give it ago.
After those that qualified qualified and those that didnt were sick cky set the stage on fire, which was tough because it was sending it down with the tears of those that didnt make the finals list
I think alot of footage was lost due to drink related missadventure
if i’ve learnt one thing from relentless nass 2009 (apart from the local light incident) is
that girls
look better in the dark. Actually there are a few things, if you own an iphone you need to own a generater
and that mountain bike commentary is questionable
All in all despite the rain it was an awesome weekend, cheers!
This is eighties matchbox bee-line disaster, Matt and i went to see them in the smallest sweatiest venue reading has to offer
back to town, business as usual
Steve’s updated