A little later on the 7th of Jully
Tuesday 7th of July 2009 by Lights in the Woods
Steve’s update
Happy birthday cez
We all had a good time
We found out the answer to the age old question “if a tree falls in a forest….”. The answer is yes, a cross between thunder, fireworks and the wooshing sound from underworld when they drop from buildings. Some say it was the power of pipes pump traveling through the soil and unsettling the roots others blame locals aggressive packing in technique
learning things on youtube only gets you so far, watching paint dry is hard work. Hopefully we’ll be really good at it soon enough and you’ll be able to congratulate those involved by purchacing something rad
LITW had a little football practice, it turns out that if you point daz in the right direction he can unleash one hell of a right footed cannon
But that’s nothing compared to how well he can punch away penalties
Darren “the power” Parker
Congratulations to Aiden and Jenn from me and i’m sure all of you